No More Canoe!

Build Crew:



My internal goal for the end of the year was to have the aft top skin completed. Given the new job and a long planned holiday to the Philippines, I didn’t think this was going to be possible. But, as is the case I’ve found with building for 3 years. If I can just find a way to get myself to the hangar, good things happen. TLDR, through a series of short sessions, and then an epic push by Sam and I, we were able to get the aft top skin fully installed! Below are some pics and comments on the final 2024 push for this RV-8 build.


First thing was final prep of the miscellaneous parts. Mostly dimpling, but also needed to roll the edges of the skin for a nice tight fit. Then I riveted on the top bulkheads. No turning back!!

Final item before the top skin was preliminary install of the static system. EVerything was fairly straight forward except I installed the static ports 1″ aft of the reference line instead of 1″ forward. I talked to long time builder Greg Blank, and he said this should be no issue. 

With everything prepped to go, and just one working day left to get the aft top skin started, I thought a stretch goal would be to get a couple rows of riveting done. Well… with a crazy final session by Sam and I we were able to actually get it done! With Sam wedged in the tiny aft part of the fuselage, and 4.5 hours straight of riveting, we got it done! All with only one small smiley face dimple. Kudos to Sam for his impressive yoga to fit into all the small spaces!

With the new year coming, it’s off to the Philippines for a family vacation. When I get back, it’s time to start on the fwd top skins. Until then… Happy building!

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