Janaury was a busy month of work and volleyball, but I still managed to get a few hours in here and there. I thought I would jump straight into the Forward Upper Fuselage work, but realized there was quite a bit outstanding project remnants that I needed to wrap up first.
- Complete Rudder Pedal Brake Line routing
- Clamp down Right Wing Fuel Line
- Finish Install of Rear Rudder Pedal Assembly
After all the miscellaneous projects were done, I finally got to start on the forward upper fuselage. This included getting the air vent installed, fitting the windscreen support, and starting on the instrument panel. Nothing major to report here except make sure you have a lot of clamps to get the windscreen support fitting correct!
Hopefully February will bring a lot more progress. Goal will be to get through the Forward Upper Skin and maybe the baggage door? Until then… Happy Building!!
1 comment
Fantastic. Great progress