Rudder Control System Progress
Lots of progress since last post. In this post we’ll install the rudder pedals and wrap up a few deferred items. Enjoy!
An RV-8 Build Log
Lots of progress since last post. In this post we’ll install the rudder pedals and wrap up a few deferred items. Enjoy!
Lots of progress on the empennage. Elevator Horn replacement, control stick connection, and rudder install are part of this post. Enjoy!
While I wait on a new elevator control horn, I moved on with the Elevator control system. Fun erector set style building, with lots of washers, nuts and bolts. Read on for the details.
It’s been a year since my last velocity update and some major events occured in that time. I’m finally ready to write it down on paper and share my thoughts. Read on for the whole story.