
Landing Gear Fitment – Part 1

It’s time to align the landing gear and final drill for installation! This big milestone takes a lot of measuring, double checking, and just a bit of nerve. Read on for part 1 of the landing gear fitment adventure!

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Wing Flaps Installed

Time to get the wings completed and out of the hangar! Last step before the go on the shelf for a while was the flaps, so it was time to get it done!

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Finish Kit

Finish Kit Arrives!

Last of the Van’s kits arrived and a “quick” inventory diversion was in order. A few pics and comments on the last of my inventory tasks.

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Fuselage Skin Riveting Complete!

Continuing with the great momentum on the fuselage, we were able to wrap up the “Skin Riveting” section of the plans over a few sessions this weekend. The crew helped move it along, and in this post you’ll catch up on a few challenges we had to overcome.

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