We’ve got a Canoe!

Build Crew:



After a couple more days wrapping up bottom skin riveting we’ve flipped over the fuselage. Although we haven’t got a plane yet, we’ve hit the milestone of having an awkward looking leaky canoe! James and I had a great ad hoc session and Jack helped wrap up the center section bottom skins. There are a few tough rivets in the tail one section that we thought would be easier with the fuselage upright so opted to defer those until later. Overall I’m very happy with the fuselage work. Although some of the back riveted heads aren’t the prettiest, they should suffice for moving on to the next stage! Next up will be starting to install all the interior assemblies like flooring and seats. This should be a fun phase seeing everything come together! I’ve heard building a nice fuselage cradle is a great way to help manage the fuselage during this period. I’ve got some ideas on re-using the old wing stand material to make it a rollable fixture.


Until then…. Happy Building!!

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