It’s finally back to the fuselage! After spending quite a bit of time reviewing where I was with the fuselage, it was clear it was deburring time. Back when the fuselage got put on hold back in June 2023, I had just disassembled the fuselage. That meant there was a whole lot of deburring to do. Luckily, over the break I had done a bit of the deburring and marked the parts that were already complete. The primary work left was the longerons, the skins, and the sub-assembly structures (seat, center, and fwd fuselage). Sam and I cranked out a nice long session on Saturday to wrap up all the deburring!
Meanwhile I found some time to get the final two wing access covers installed. Doesn’t that wing look beatiful back in the cradle??

At the end of the Saturday session I was having so much fun, I decided to get a bit of dimpling going. There are a lot of steps to pay attention to here to ensure you don’t miss any specific details. I noted the DWG sheet each step referenced to ensure I could visualize what was being dimpled. Although they did this themselves on a few steps, it wasn’t on all. Make sure you dimple in the right direction!
The next sessions will be focused on dimpling. The biggest challenge will be the skins. Probably a two person job next weekend to get those done. In the mean time I should be able to get all the smaller parts completed. Until then… Happy Building.
1 comment
What a great team work. You guys are moving at the speed of light. Proud of you