Center Section Build
Over the past week I’ve enjoyed friends and family helping get significant progress on the center section going. Read on for the details!
An RV-8 Build Log
Over the past week I’ve enjoyed friends and family helping get significant progress on the center section going. Read on for the details!
Some long but good sessions and some help from Sam have achieved a big milestone. In this post we finish up the Fwd Fuselage substructure…read on for details!
With a final set of sessions I was able to complete the LG Box assembly. Included was some temporary adjustments to how I prime, and some detail on the build. Enjoy!
Lots of good progress solo and with Jack over the past few sessions. LG Boxes almost done! Read on for details.
It’s starting to look something like a complex fuselage assembly? After finishing up some outstanding rivet work, Sam and I got to a cool point where we connected the forward floor to the box assemblies. Read on for more info!