Between a weekend of basketball city championships (which Nico’s team won!) I managed to sneak in some build time. In a quick Saturday session I did a final test fit of the access cover, prepped the parts, mixed some sealant, and mounted the right tank access cover for the last time (hopefully!). Pretty straight forward operation.

It was fun to see both tanks on the spars, and ready for final pressure tests.

The rest of the weekend I snuck in a few minutes here and there reconfiguring the workshop to remove the temperature tent. Although I will miss the constant 70˚F warmth, it will be nice to be less cramped, and get my full TV viewing experience back!
Besides the pressure test (which I plan to do next weekend), that completes the fuel tank build! Whoa. That was one heck of a project, but in the end not as bad as I expected. By moving slow, and deliberately, I minimized mistakes, and came out with a product I am happy with. Let’s hope the pressure test succeeds on the right side. Next up, I move back to the rest of the wing, where I will start by cutting out and prepping the Pitot tube mast for assembly. Until then, Happy Building!
CONGRATULATIONS….. wowww what an effort. On to the next phase later on in the year when you receive more parts. I assume.
Congratulations to Nicco too…
big space getting cramped ?….progress !