Some nights, it’s fun to just hang out at the workshop without much of an agenda. Wednesday was one of those nights. Paul and Kacy are nearing completion of their RV-7, and we got together to set up the paint booth so Paul could complete priming of his wheel pants and painting some of his interior parts (sparkly!!). As part of that booth setup, I decided it was time to start rigging up some LED lights I could use for priming sessions. The days are getting shorter, and having solid lighting when priming at night was going to be important.

I purchased 3 single tube LED lights that I planned to string together using one spliced plug. Unfortunately I only had one romex clamp, and so for Pauls priming session, he would have to use the one. Since I’m writing this post a few days later, I can tell you that I ended up stringing together the three, and it is pretty awesome!
Below are some pictures of Paul’s session, and what I was doing the rest of the evening. (Spoiler Alert: Mango White Claws make any evening at the hangar that much more enjoyable!). The good news about getting the booth setup was the refresher that came along with it, since the plan was to do a big Priming session myself later in the week. Checkout the next post to see how the big rib priming session went!