Today I started planning for the air system. I finally got all the parts (or so I thought!) and needed to do some basic planning. If you’ll remember on my original workshop drawing I had laid out a basic plan for air (in green below).

Although it’s changed quite a bit, that sketch still is the inspiration for how I ended up putting it together. I started with an inventorying of all the different parts. I purchased the RapidAir Maxline kit which has most everything I need except the regulators, and some misc piping and spare parts I had to get from Home Depot.
Next, I did some detailed layout drawing directly on the heavy duty builder paper I have laid over the workbench. This was a useful way to see what parts I was still missing.
After work, I went down to Home Depot, got the parts needed, and started to assemble a lot of the more complex pipe work. Nico lent a hand to build out the piping for the air compressor, and I wrapped up the valve assembly that allows a complete shutoff to the majority of the system if needed. Unfortunately it got too late for mounting anything, but that should occur this weekend.