Velocity N7779X

Velocity Update #6: Nose Gear and More

It’s been a year since my last velocity update and some major events occured in that time. I’m finally ready to write it down on paper and share my thoughts. Read on for the whole story.

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Two Steps forward….

What’s the old saying? Two steps forward…how many steps back? Well this post highlights one of those steps back. Although not catastrophic, find out what I needed to revert on the horizontal stabilizer in this end-of-month post.

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Stabilizer Fitting Complete!

Work on the Horizontal and Vertical stabilizers continued. I even got to start playing with the elevators! Lots of important alignment happened so read on for the details.

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SB-0036 & HS Leveling

As I mentioned in my last post… it’s time to get to the empennage!! Or is it? There is one hurdle I needed to clear before mounting the Horizontal Stabilizer. Read on to find out what!!

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We’ve got a Cockpit!

With a last push I got through the remaining Console and seat ramp tasks. I finished with a fun assembly of all the pieces we’ve been working on for the past month. Read on for the details!

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Fuel Selector Fitment

What I thought was going to be a quick step ended up taking 3 sessions, 8+ hours, and many trips to the hardware stores! But the fuel selector is finally fitted. Read on for all the building fun!

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Seat Floor Rivet Wrap Up

This week Sam and I wrapped up the seat floor section with a long rivet session. And we had a bit of fun along the way! Read on for the quick update… and what comes next!

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Seatback Priming Prep

Back from a great trip in Greece (and overcoming a bout of Covid in the family), it was time to get going on the interior of the fuselage. It starts with the seat backs!

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